purfling or pasta

pasta machine

pasta machine


When I started working at Al`s workshop I saw a pasta mashine on a rack. I wondered because I haven`t seen a pasta mashine in guitarworkshop at all. I ask Al for the reason why he stored a kitchen tool.

He laughed and showed me how a guitarmaker should use a pasta mashine.

He took a sheet of black veneer ran it trough it. By this way he did 15 stripes in 15 seconds. This was the first time I was impressed and amused by a pasta mashine.

 Allan told me he bought the pastamastamashine at a garagesale for 5 $. And for a long time family Beardsell owns only this one mashine and Al used this mashine for purfling and for pasta.

P.S. Different stripesizes are available!


Big Perfling Al

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